Introduction The history of the country, its material and spiritual heritage, valuable treasures, and the legacy of our ancestors are of great importance. It is evident that studying, researching, and better understanding historical events leads to an increase in experiences and a better understanding of the path of future progress of society. The future can be better considered by studying the past. Those who have learned from history are less likely to make mistakes. Recognizing and expressing national historical identity, having scholarly knowledge of both distant and recent past events, and understanding documented significant historical events, their causes, and consequences or impacts are an absolute necessity for the people of every country and nation. Doubt and skepticism about the historical identity of the people and government of Afghanistan, under the misleading title of "Review of the Country's History," are currently underway. In a series of ruthless activities in this regard, attempts have been made to attack the works of renowned historians of our country like Faiz Mohammad Katib Hazara, Allama Abdul Hai Habibi, Ahmad Ali Kohzad, Mir Ghulam Mohammad Ghobar, Mohammad Sadiq Farhang, and others by labeling them as "court histories and government narratives," questioning the scientific and historical importance of their work. Fortunately, knowledgeable and patriotic scholars and researchers of the country have been able to counter these hostile and anti-national efforts, which are based on distorted and fabricated accounts of history from biased outsiders. Despite the scientific advancements and new enlightening achievements in the humanities, including archaeology, human cell biology (genetics), psychology, linguistics, ethnography, political economy, human geography, etc., historians and scientists now have access to new resources for expressing the documented history of the country, both distant and recent, which were not available to our historians in the past.Unfortunately, the significant events of the past forty years have cast a shadow over historical studies and the humanities in the country. On the other hand, richer sources and references to the past are now available, which should be utilized for further research and studies. Recognizing this, a group of researchers and writers have collectively decided to establish an institution under the name of the Afghan Historical Society (د افغانستان تاریخ ټولنه / Afghan Historical Society) to serve in presenting the documented and scholarly history and roots of the national historical identity of the country. Therefore, this charter has been drafted and approved to organize the.
General Provisions Article 1: Legal Basis This charter has been developed in accordance with the laws of international non-profit organizations. Article 2: Name of the Society The name of the society in Dari, Pashto, and English languages is: Afghan Historical Society / د افغانستان تاریخ ټولنه / Afghan Historical Society Hereinafter referred to as the "Society" in this charter. Article 3: Legal Nature The Society is a non-profit, non-political, independent educational, research, scientific, and specialized institution; The Society is formed by the voluntary union of scholars in the field of humanities and history residing inside and outside the country, as well as other knowledgeable individuals.
Objectives and Activities Article 4: Objectives - Conducting research in the field of Afghan history and humanities, including archaeology, art history, historiography, linguistics, literary studies, ethnography, demography, political economy, human genetics, anthropological studies, and more; - Encouraging research in the application of these disciplines for a better understanding of Afghan history; - Enhancing the scientific capabilities of Afghan youth through the teaching of the members of this society in universities and other higher education institutions in-person or virtually; - Elevating and consolidating this society as a credible and scientifically competent authority in matters related to the history and civilization of Afghanistan at the national and international levels. - Collecting and publishing documents, written and unwritten texts, and documents related to all periods of the history of Afghanistan; Completing and publishing biographies and achievements of historical figures in Afghanistan; Researching folklore and collecting information, narratives, myths, and stories related to common beliefs; Establishing and strengthening communication among experts in history and humanities, cultural institutions, and domestic and foreign centers in these fields; and Disseminating research results through accredited journals and non-accredited (book) print and virtual publications. Article 5: Activities Types of activities: The association encourages and facilitates its members to engage in teaching and conducting scientific research in the fields of history and humanities in Afghanistan. The association takes steps to publish and disseminate the results of scientific research by its members and other personalities through a journal called "History and Civilization of Afghanistan" and by organizing an annual conference under the same name. When necessary, the association also disseminates the results of its activities through its website, in-person and virtual meetings, workshops, interviews, seminars, and other means of mass communication. Criterion of Activities: The association aligns its research activities with internationally recognized scientific and academic standards.
Chapter 3 Structure and Organization of the Association Article 6: Organizational Structure Section 1: Members of the Association Members of the association include full members and honorary members. Voluntary members, upon acceptance of the statute through a written request and approval by two members, after the approval of the leadership council, become full members of the association. Founding members and voluntary members, after acceptance, are considered full members entitled to vote in the association. Full members hold Afghan citizenship through birth in Afghanistan, Afghan parentage, or acquisition of Afghan citizenship. Honorary members are not Afghan citizens and do not have voting rights in the decisions of the association; The association can have an unlimited number of members. Secondly, the organization structure includes the General Assembly, the Leadership Council, the Audit and Evaluation Committee, the Administrative Board, and specialized committees; The General Assembly convenes once a year in a regular manner. In the General Assembly, all full members of the society participate with equal rights; The Audit and Evaluation Committee, comprised of academic members and researchers selected by the General Assembly, has a chairperson and a secretary and meets monthly; The chairperson of the Audit and Evaluation Committee also holds the responsibility of presiding over the society; The Administrative Board consists of the society's administrative deputy, treasurer, and secretary, responsible for managing the society's daily affairs and arranging the annually audited financial report of the society, holding meetings at least monthly. The Administrative Board consists of the society's administrative deputy, treasurer, and secretary, responsible for managing the society's daily affairs and preparing the annually audited financial report of the society, holding meetings at least monthly; The Leadership Council consists of the heads and members of the Audit and Evaluation Committees and the Administrative Board, and convenes once every three months under the presidency of the society's president; Specialized committees are formed as deemed necessary by the Leadership Council and operate under its oversight. Article 7: Duties of the General Assembly The General Assembly is the highest and most authoritative body of the society, which convenes once a year under the presidency of the society's president and has the following duties and authorities: - Amending the articles of association and modifying them if necessary due to changes in circumstances and resources; - Electing members and the chairperson of the Audit and Evaluation Committee and the Administrative Board through holding free and direct elections; - Reviewing and approving the annual report and audited financial report of the society's president and approving the budget and work program for the upcoming year of the society; - Determining the seal and emblem of the society. Article 8: Duties of the Audit and Evaluation Committee 1- Determining priorities in research matters, recruiting researchers, forming scientific and research committees; 2- Defining the duties of the committees; 3- Appointing the officials of the committees; 4- Reviewing the reports of the committees; 7- Establishing connections with scientific personalities, national and international scientific and research centers.
Legal Powers Article 9: Legal Powers The society possesses legal powers similar to those of an individual; It can enter into contracts; It can engage in suitable buying, selling, and transactions to advance its functions; It can receive money in exchange for services and facilities provided; It can do whatever is necessary to carry out its activities; It can attract and receive financial assistance from various sources for the execution of its activities, including: - Collecting annual membership fees and subscription fees from members; - Receiving gratuitous government and international organization assistance; - Gathering donations from members and other sources; The society can hire workers and employees for the execution of its duties and pay them wages and salaries. Article 10: Emblem and Logo The society has its distinctive emblem and logo. The specifications of the logo are as follows: a colored image of the National Archives building in the form of a circle with the name of the society in Pashto, Dari, and English languages included (Afghanistan Da Tarikh Tolana / Afghan Historical Society). The establishment year is written in English below it. This logo is also placed on the institution's seal and above documents. Article Eleven: Publications and Advertising The affairs of publications and advertising of the association are carried out by the Publications and Advertising Committee; and the association has a specific website and internet domain, with an official email domain, as well as social media managed by the Publications and Advertising Committee. Article Twelve: Address The address of the association is located in a city where it is legally registered. The email address of the association is managed by the administrative board of the association.
Dissolution Article Thirteen: Dissolution Conditions If the association is unable to carry out its duties according to the articles of association due to certain factors; If seventy-five percent of the members vote for its dissolution in a general assembly; and If it acts against the articles of association or faces financial insolvency. Article Fourteen: Association Assets After Dissolution The assets of the association and everything related to it, after dissolution, shall not be given to the members or leadership positions; instead, they shall be donated to governmental scientific and academic institutions in Afghanistan (such as the Afghanistan Academy of Sciences or the National Archives) within Afghanistan.
Membership Conditions, Rights, Duties, and Termination of Membership Article Fifteen: Membership Conditions An individual seeking full membership with voting rights must be an Afghan and have reached the age of eighteen; Honorary members who do not have voting rights are not required to be Afghan nationals; They must accept the association's articles of association; They must not be convicted of crimes against humanity; They must pay the membership fee and subscription fee. In one of the research, specialized, public activities, and working groups committees, they have a share. Membership in the association is granted individually by submitting a written request (membership form). Article Sixteen: Full Members' Rights in the Association The right to vote and be elected at all levels of association activities and management; Each member can safely present their suggestions and criticisms at association meetings. Article Seventeen: Duties of Association Members Defend the goals of the association inside and outside the association; Participate in general assembly meetings and other relevant sessions; Make efforts to implement all decisions of the association; Contribute to improving and developing research work and scientific activities within the association; Execute their professional and practical duties within a specified time; Maintain unity, show respect for differences, strengthen discipline and communication, and observe moderation, refraining from any form of bias. Article Eighteen: Expulsion from the Association Members of the association under the following conditions are expelled from the association by the leadership board: a) Misuse the name and facilities of the institution, show bias, engage in forgery, or disregard national interests; b) Be convicted of a crime; c) Act contrary to the articles of association; and Any expelled member has the right to lodge a complaint with the leadership or the general assembly with documents and evidence so that the reasons for their expulsion can be reexamined.
Financial Resources, Utilization, and Oversight Article Nineteen: Financial Resources Membership fees (annual) and subscription fees (one-time at the time of membership acceptance); Membership fees and contributions are determined by the leadership council; Grants provided by members of the association and national and international scientific and trade centers, as well as by individuals and legal entities; Funding sources, donors, and seeking assistance from them are among the responsibilities of the administrative board. Article 20: Financial Affairs For the execution of its financial affairs, the association opens a bank account in a city where it is officially registered; The signatures of the president, administrative deputy, secretary, and treasurer are introduced to the relevant bank; The secretary and treasurer reside in the city where the association is registered; The administrative board is responsible for overseeing the cash and assets of the association and is accountable to the leadership council and the general assembly of the association. Membership fees, subscriptions, and member grants are kept in the association's bank account; The head of the administrative board presents the audited financial report of the association to the president of the association for approval before presenting it to the general assembly.
Miscellaneous Provisions
Article Twenty-One: Responsibilities of the Administrative Board
The administrative board regulates, manages, and executes the daily administrative and financial affairs of the association;
It prepares and presents the annual work and financial report of the association to the registering authority in accordance with the relevant law; and
It registers and preserves the documents of the association, including the list of members, committees, reports, research results, received scientific and administrative materials, written and electronic correspondence, and other documents, in writing and electronically.
Article 22
This charter, consisting of eight chapters, twenty-two articles, and one appendix, was discussed and approved at the founders' general meeting on the fourteenth day of July 2024.
*Appendix 1*
List of Members of the Founders' General Assembly
Participants of the First Session on July 8, 2024
Participants of the Second Session on July 14, 2024
1. Dr. Bashir Daud
2. Dr. Zaman Stanizai
3. Dr. Noor Ahmad Khalidi
4. Syed Hamidullah Rooh
5. Nahid Alami
6. Sadegh Wafa
7. Roshan Khadem
8. Dr. Najim Azadzoi
9. Atiq Zazai
10. Hamed Nawid
11. Dr. Yahya Wardak
12. Fahim Sabagh Allah Stari
13. Dr. Waris Waziri
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